Camp Compassion
Join us at Camp Compassion 2025!
Friday, May 16-Sunday, May 18, 2025
Kent, CT
The Cove is gearing up for Camp Compassion, an overnight bereavement support camp for children and teens ages 6-17! Join us as a camper, parent or caregiver, donor, or volunteer. Camper and volunteer applications are now open! Click the buttons below to apply.
What is Camp Compassion?
Camp Compassion is a free, weekend-long, overnight bereavement camp for CT youth ages 6-17 who have experienced the death of someone significant in their lives. Children and teens join for a weekend of traditional fun camp activities while also participating in therapeutic grief activities that allow them to process their loss and maintain a connection to their loved one(s).
Led by bereavement professionals and trained volunteers, campers are provided a safe environment to explore their grief, learn essential coping skills, and make friends with peers who are grieving.
Acceptance into camp will be based upon the child's readiness for camp, bereavement needs, and participation in other grief services. Campers may be eligible to attend camp for a maximum of 2 years depending on space/needs. A reminder that we ask families to allow at least 3 months to pass following the death of their loved one prior to participating in camp.
We invite parents and caregivers to join their child(ren) at camp on Friday afternoon to participate in activities and engage in their own healing related to grief. (Please note: parents & caregivers are not permitted to stay overnight).
We will also have a special activity on Sunday morning for parents & caregivers before checking their child(ren) out of camp.
Support Camp Compassion!
The Cove is currently seeking quilt donations and funders for Camp Compassion. Click the buttons below to view our flyers below for more information and who to contact with questions!
Check out why our volunteers joined us at Camp Compassion:
To learn more about Camp Compassion, check out this video!
Camper & Caregiver Feedback
She has been able to talk about liking having other children around her who have lost loved ones. Those running the activities were extremely thoughtful and caring. It appeared that they had carefully thought through how to offer a broad variety of activities to offer solace to us in many ways. Thank you so much.
- Camper Caregiver
Just so grateful to you all!!
- Cove Camper
It was an amazing weekend. Everyone one cared so much about my girls and were experienced to handle their grief and emotions all while having fun. The amount of energy everyone had was so amazing. It was the first time ever my girls have been to overnight camp and I had no apprehension leaving them because I knew they would be so safe. Thank you to everyone!
- Camper Caregiver
If you have any questions regarding Camp Compassion, please reach out to:
Program Coordinator, Brooke Viens at brookev@covect.org
Camp Director, Donna Nickdow at campdirector@covect.org