Professional Development Trainings
The Cove offers free virtual and in-person Professional Development grief trainings to school staff, licensed mental health clinicians, college/grad students, and more!
We have recently offered trainings to:

Wethersfield Public Schools Clinical Staff
Fairfield University Egan School of Nursing Students
Middlesex Hospital Staff
Multicultural Ambulatory Addiction Services (MAAS) Staff/Clients
Castle Preschool Staff
Please be mindful when requesting trainings, as last-minute cancellations impact staff scheduling.
Contact to request a training!
We kindly request that you consider making a donation to The Cove following the training to support our free grief programs.
What Clinicians and Staff are Saying About our Trainings
"I cannot express enough how knowledgeable and passionate the presenter was on the topic! I thoroughly enjoyed learning all about grief and the amazing resources The Cove has to offer!"
- Youth and Community Services Clinician
"Fantastic professional development! Great resources and info! Thank you so much!"
- Elementary School Clinician
"Thank you so much for this! We picked some great examples of wording, and some great quotes and understanding! The resources are great! Overall, just great validation of how we are working through grief with our kindergartners!"
- School Staff Member
"Thank you so much! Very informative and well presented!"
- Hospital Hospice Staff
"Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with our staff today. I’m so impressed with the programs that The Cove offers. Thank you for sharing your time and expertise with us!"
- Youth and Family Services Clinician